Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Open Letter to the President

Sure, I know. Today, the Senate is expected to reject a proposal for a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. But the issue is far from dead. The House is expected to take it up again later this summer. And then there is the Replay of 2004 principal at play here.

I figured it would be best to start letting our elected officials know how ridiculous they really sound. So I wrote the letter below to President Bush. I wonder if he'll have someone read it to him so he can understand what I have said...

At any rate, you, too, can write the President - and your senators and representative too! I even provide a way to write the President anonymously if you are worried about his tendency to snoop into our lives. Get the details here.

If you're really ambitious, check out other things you can do to promote same sex marriage...or just tee somebody off.

Now, back to my letter to President Bush:

Dear President Bush,

What do murderers, rapists, thieves, child molesters, alcoholics, and drug addicts have in common?

They can marry.

What do death row inmates and lifers with no chance of parole have in common?

They can marry, too.

Here’s a clincher. What can an illegal alien do that a native born, law abiding, US citizen, who is gay, cannot?

That’s right. The illegal alien can marry, too.

All those marriages are condoned and recognized by the federal government and all fifty states without question. A gay couple, however, is viewed as a threat to the institution of marriage and an undermining force to the American family.

This summer the House is expected to take up the issue of gay marriage and an amendment to the Constitution to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman. I urge you to make an about face on the issue and oppose the amendment effort.

First, marriage has been and always should be a state issue. Second, the proposed constitutional amendment serves only to enshrine discrimination and bigotry into our laws and society in general. If it were about protecting the American family and the great institution of marriage, the people I mentioned above wouldn’t be allowed to marry either.

Highest regards,

Mark Darien

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