Friday, April 29, 2005

If It Weren't So Dang Funny....

If you're interested in learning more...'d be just another sad hate group.

The International Organization of Heterosexual Rights (INOOHR): the name alone should be a tipoff that the group can't be taken seriously. Visit their home page and you're greeted with a dove (dime-a-dozen on free clipart sites) beating its wings over a picture of a rainbow arching over a scenic valley (a little harder to find than the animated dove, but common). The flapping wings almost keep time to the slow drawal of a country singer lamenting he is weak and weary and seeking the Lord.

Someone should inform the webmaster that sound files really slow down the loading time of the page. My 56k modem takes awhile to handle the page and of everything on the site, that dang song is the most annoying.

Being an international organization, one might think that global membership would require a board of directors, a reporting staff, an editorial staff, an editor, a webmaster, and, well, a whole bunch of people.

Clicking on the Contact Us, you find the director ( and a generic contact ( There is no About Us page. All the articles are cut and paste jobs from other news sources cleverly linked to tell one story - gays are bad. In fact, the articles' statistics rely heavily on on the gay hate group, NARTH and the "research" of Paul Cameron.

Apparently, there isn't even a webmaster let alone a staff of any kind.

INOOHR has been in existence since 2001, based on the current domain registration, with headquarters in Idaho. Idaho as a base of operations for a global organization must come as a real shocker. Idaho is known for potatoes, militia groups, and Mr. Potato Head.

Ok, sit down, now. Mr. Potato Head is from New York, not Idaho. But that didn't stop four residents of Boise from voting for him for mayor as a write-in candidate in 1985. Unconfirmed rumors are that every resident of Idaho has Mr. Potato Head sitting on the mantle flanked by the Bible on one side, Jesus on a cross on the other side, and at least three guns hanging on the rack overhead.

No one would believe Idaho could be the center of a global organization. Ninety-eight percent of Idaho residents can't even find the world on a globe.

Yet here we have a global organization out of Idaho. INOOHR does have at least one confirmed member. Denise Caster is listed as the director of the organization in the WHOIS directory. Please fell free to write her at:

PO Box 6109
Boise, Idaho 83707

Better yet, give her a jingle at 417-496-5070.

She put a lot of time, sprinkled with a loving dash of hate, into making the website. I'm sure she'd love to hear what you have to say about it.

I wouldn't suggest sending two Mr. Potato Heads embracing, kissing, or...ahem, you know...because, well that's plain blasphemous.

Oh, maybe she could use some soy products. This theory is what makes the whole site so dang funny: soy products (Ms. Caster refers to them as "soy toxins") are directly responsible for the effeminization of the American male and the rise in homosexual activity.

Now that can't be hate, right?

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