Friday, April 22, 2005

Texas Poised to Ban Gay Foster Parents

Is there any way we could give Texas back to Mexico?

The Texas House passed a Children's Protective Services bill, yesterday, that would ban gay foster parents. If it passes the Texas Senate, the new law would affect an estimated 2,000-2,500 children who currently live with gay foster parents.

In the name of family values, sponsors and supporters of the bill want to protect foster children from homosexuals because they are more likely to be sexually molested and are more likely to become gay themselves.

Here's the quote of the day: ""Homosexuals cannot procreate, so they recruit."

Those words of wisdom come from Cathie Adams, president of the conservative forum The Texas Eagle Forum.

Now I have to wonder what family values these people really stand for. They'd rather take society's throw away kids away from loving gay parents and shuffle them around through a system already overloaded and underfunded. But I reckon that's much better than letting them live with gay people.

Yeah, right. They aren't for family values of any kind. They are for gay bashing.

Plain and simple.

Makes you wonder how so much hate can seize anyone.

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