Tuesday, June 07, 2005

It's the Women's Fault

Ok, this is a first draft and will need tweaking, but you get the idea of how easy it is to write that far right, anti-gay stuff - only this time I chose women.

Remember the good ol' days. Women knew their place - in the kitchen. They couldn't vote and sure as heck weren't allowed to open their mouths about such heady topics as religion and politics.

The world was a lot better back then. God knew what He was doing when he made women subserviant to man. The day she defied God and Adam and bit into that apple was proof enough that women were like children. They need constant supervision lest trouble brews.

Before women could vote, the country ran smoothly and was prosperous. A couple of elections after a bunch of whipped boys allowed women to vote, our great nation was plunged into the Great Depression. When those same whipped boys allowed women into the workplace, fast food and pre-packaged meals hit the market. Obesity has skyrocketed and our children suffer a disproportionate number of ailments ranging from asthma to ADD to autism. Let women into the White House and they seduce our leaders with their wicked ways. Give them effective birth control and they take sexual freedom to new heights. Marriage has crumbled under the weight of divorce and a record number of our children are being raised in single-parent households. Millions of children who could be born are ruthlessly killed in their first few weeks of life. It may be the woman's body, and even though it took a father to create the child, the woman, alone, decides the child's fate. Under the feminine agenda, the unborn child is to be viewed as invasive tissue in the woman's body that she can do with as she sees fit. And if the woman decides to bring that "invasive tissue" to term, the woman uses the child as a weapon to financially, and sometimes emotionally, destroy the father.

It's time to take our nation back from the women and the feminine agenda. The Bible makes it very clear where a woman's place is. If we put them back in the home caring for the household and raising the children like God intended, juvenile delinquency rates will plummet. The need for medicating our children to control them will nearly vanish. More children will have the opportunity to see daylight instead of ending up as another abortion statistic. Politics won't be muddied with irrational thinking. For example, if you're homless, your homeless because you don't have a job. That can be fixed. But if you don't have a job because you don't want to work, then that is not a social ill that needs fixing. That's you being lazy.

1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

It's time to put an end to the feminine agenda and embrace the natural order of things as God intended.

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