Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Quiet Acceptance From the Homophobes - Naturally

The twice-divorced Angelina Jolie adopted a Ethiopian, baby girl who was left orphaned by AIDS. While she has been linked romantically to Brad Pitt and Pitt did accompany her to Ethiopia to file the adoption papers, a source told People magazine that the two aren't planning to start the family together. "Angelina is adopting as a single mother and she wants that emphasized," the source said.

Earlier this year, after a trip to Ethiopia, Jolie said, "My son is in love with Africa, so he has been asking for an African brother or sister."

He got his wish.

Now, where is the conservative's and Christian right's uproar? A single Mom adopting? And adopting because her son wanted an "African brother or sister" as if African children are to be traded as commodities?

A gay couple's adopting gets the conservative's panties in a wad. Just ask anyone in Florida (where gay adoption is illegal) or Texas (where gay adoption ban legislation is pending). But a single Mom adopting doesn't raise an eyebrow.

The hypocritical silence is deafening. Can you hear the silent approval of single-parent adoption and the thunderous roar of gay condemnation?

I can.

Maybe it has to do with Jolie being rich and able to buy what she wants - including an African child.

Be sure to check out Little Guy Protest's campain in favor of gay marriage.

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