Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Teen Sent to Ex-Gay Ministry

From Zach's blog just before his parent's "shipped him off to camp":

Thanks. Thank you for all of the comments and messages, they mean a lot. really. I was shocked to see all of this... of course I haven't been on a computer, phone, nor have I seen any friends in a week almost-- Soon. Soon, this will be all over. My mother has said the worst things to me for three days straight... three days. I went numb. That's the only way I can get through this. I agree, if you're thinking that these posts might be dramatized.. but the proof of the programs ideas are sitting in the rules. I pray this blows over. I can't take this... noone can... not really, this kind of thing tears you apart emotionally. To introduce THIS subject... I'm not a suicidal person... really I'm not.. I think it's stupid - really. But.. I can't help it, no im not going to commit suicide, all I can think about is killing my mother and myself. It's so horrible. This is what it's doing to me... I have this horrible feeling all of the time... I wish this on no person... I'm so satisfied--happy's too strong of a word the state I'm in-- that everyone's taking the time to email and write letters in complaint to these people. I dont know if it will do anything, but if something did happen it would be -- awesome.

He was due to leave camp on Jun 20. He hasn't been heard from in the blogosphere world and no one knows if he is still away in the camp or not. His blog gained international attention and launched a series of investigations into the Love in Action camp by Tenn authorities. Many bloggers who interacted with him are very concerned that he is being isolated from the world until he "changes". On gay who was forced by his parents into the program for two years is particularly concerned for his mental well being. He says that the decline in Zach's mental state is apparent in his blog.

Yes, I'll definitely be following up on this story so if anyone learns anything new, please let me know.

Update: (20 Jun 05 1:45 PM EDT) PFLAG reports that Zach's initial 2-week stay has been extended another six weeks. Since he is cut off from the outside world and using the computer, we'll have to wait to see if he emerges a changed man espousing the ex-gay life or a damaged boy bitter at the world for treating him as they have.

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