Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Is This a Fair Comparison?

Somone once said the difference between Muslim extremists and Christian extremists is one is 90% physically violent and 10% psychologically violent and the other is 90% psychologically violent and 10% physically violent.

We can guess which is which.

Sure, Christians don't fly planes into buildings, but remember, it was a Christian who committed the second largest terrorist attack against this country resulting in the second largest number of deaths on American soil - second only to 9/11.

And, of course, some Christians have called for the assasination of a foreign president, bombed abortion clinics, killed abortion doctors, alienated the "heathens" by demanding their "born again" conversion else burn in Hell, strive to enshrine parts of their religion in law, and have gone all out to demonize the second largest religion in the world - Islam.

In comparison, some Muslims have called for the assasination of an author, bombed just about anything, killed those who oppose Islam, alienated the "infidels" by demanding their complete acceptance of Islam else face a fatwah, make their religion the law of the land, and have gone all out to demonize anything Western or Jewish.

So how accurate is the comparison?

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