Thursday, April 14, 2005

Jesus Was Gay

An openly gay Bishop of the Episcopalian Church, Bishop V. Gene Robinson, responded to a question at a forum on sexual issues at the Christ Church of Hamilton, Mass. back on February 13. As he now recalls the question, he responded believing the question was trying to get him to affirm that the nuclear family of mother, father, and children is the only way a family could be as far as the Bible is concerned.

His response to the question:

``Interestingly enough, in this day of traditional family values and so on, this man that we follow ... was single as far as we know; who traveled with a bunch of men, although there were lots of women around; who had a disciple who was known as `the one whom Jesus loved'; who said my family is not my mother and father, my family are those who do the will of God. None of us like those harsh words. That's who Jesus is, that's who he was, at least in his earthly life.''

He was making the point that one is hard pressed to find scriptural affirmation of the nuclear family and pointed out that Jesus, by far, did not play the traditional family role.

Blogger David Virtue caught wind of those words and accused the Bishop of saying Jesus was gay. The story spread like wildfire and many conservative news sources published the story. Virtue is convinced that the Bishop's comments are part of the "gay agenda" that will eventually homosexualize the Anglican Church and cause it to split.

Bishop Robinson's consecration in 2003 caused quite a turmoil within the Church that still bubbles today. Since his remarks on Feb 13, he has received many angry letters from around the world for saying Jesus was gay.

ABC News
Kansas City Star
Boston Herald

Mark's editorial comments:

Can the conservative Christians get any more ridiculous? The Bishop clearly demonstrated that Jesus, even for his time, led a nontraditional lifestyle. Nowhere did he say "Jesus was gay" or, for that matter, say anything about sex. Jesus traveled with a bunch of men - and women - that's what the Bishop said.

These conservative Christians are so hung up on sex they see it written in the salt of Ritz crackers. Believe me, I tried. I have yet to see "sex" written in the salt though some out there swear it's clear as day.

I say we track this blogger down - and all the conservative Christians who have twisted the Bishop's words - and send them coupons for free porno. After watching a few porno flicks, maybe sex won't be so scary to them.

Unless they happen to get one starring Ron Jeremy....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted at David Virtue and other opportunists like him laying in wait to slander at Bishop Robinson and other gays. If you visit my blog, you'll see I blogged a few times recently about this recent fiasco over Robinson's comments.